Monday, 24 August 2015

Basic Cooking Steps

Sylwia Majtczak
For many the thought of cooking a delicious meal gets them boiling – not their food, but their blood pressure. But raised stress levels do not have to be the case. Competent cooking is not rocket science and can be mastered by anyone. Well, actually by those who are brave enough to take on a challenge. Here are some cooking techniques that will help you get started.

Start with Pasta

Pasta is one of the easiest meals to make, and for those who never tried making pasta, this might be a good time to give it a try. Fill a large pot two-thirds with water and put it on the stove to boil. The more water you have in the pot, the less chance you have of the pasta sticking to the pot. Let the water start to boil and then add the pasta to the water, add one teaspoon of salt for each gallon of water and let the pasta cook for 8-12 minutes. Once you have completed your pasta, you can start with other dishes that go along with pasta.

Chopping Vegetables

If you are going to be cooking in the kitchen, you should know how to use knives to chop vegetables. Take a sharp knife and learn how to cut vegetables. Take a carrot and place it on the cutting board. Hold the carrot with your fingers placed against it in a curved position, so that the blade of the knife slices downwards in a way that it slips past your fingers. Start cutting the carrot slowly and work with it. Practice makes perfect, and soon you will be a master in the kitchen.

Cooking Eggs

Eggs are probably the easiest thing to cook in the kitchen, and it is also one of the most used ingredients in any kitchen. To boil an egg, place water in a saucepan and carefully place the eggs in the water. Put it on the burner and bring the water to a boil, after eight minutes remove the pan from the burner and use a spoon to remove the eggs. Place the boiled eggs in a bowl of cold water and when it is cooled down, gently crack the shell and remove it. 

Sylwia Majtczak enjoys cooking delicious food for her daughter and herself.